Hodkinson A., Kontopantelis E., Zghebi S., Grigoroglou C., McMillan B., Marwijk H., Bower P., Tsimpida D., Emery C., Burge M., Esmiol H., Cupples M., Tully M., Dasgupta K., Daskalopoulou S., Cooke A., Fayehun A., Houle J., Poirier P., Yates T., Henson J., Grey E., Panagioti M. (2022). Association between patient factors and the effectiveness of wearable trackers at increasing the number of steps-per-day among adults with cardiometabolic conditions: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised controlled trials, JMIR (in press)
Polašek, O., Wazny, K., Adeloye, D., Song, P., Chan, K. Y., Bojude, D. A., … & Rudan, I. (2022). Research priorities to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in low-and middle-income countries. Journal of Global Health, 12. https://doi.org/10.7189/jogh.12.09003
Hodkinson A., Tsimpida D., Kontopantelis E., Rutter M., Mamas M., Panagioti M. (2022). Comparative Effectiveness of Statins on Non-HDL Cholesterol by Type and Intensity in People with Diabetes and at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis, BMJ, 376, e067731. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2021-067731
Tsimpida D., Panagioti M., Kontopantelis E. (2022). Four Decades On: A New National Study of Hearing in England and Implications for Global Hearing Health Policy, International Journal of Audiology https://doi.org/10.1080/14992027.2021.2022791
Tsimpida D., Kontopantelis E., Ashcroft D.M, Panagioti M. (2021). The dynamic relationship between hearing loss, quality of life, socioeconomic position and depression and the impact of hearing aids: answers from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-021-02155-0
Tsimpida D., Kontopantelis E., Ashcroft D.M., Panagioti M. (2021). Conceptual Model of Hearing Health Inequalities (HHI Model): A Critical Interpretive Synthesis, Trends in Hearing https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23312165211002963
Tsimpida D., Kontopantelis E., Ashcroft D., Panagioti M. (2020). Regional patterns and trends of hearing loss in England: evidence from the English longitudinal study of ageing (ELSA) and implications for health policy. BMC Geriatrics, 20(1), . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-020-01945-6
Tsimpida D., Kontopantelis E., Ashcroft D., Panagioti M. (2020). Comparison of Self-reported Measures of Hearing With an Objective Audiometric Measure in Adults in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. JAMA Network Open 2020;3(8):e2015009. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.15009
Tsimpida D., Kontopantelis E., Ashcroft D., Panagioti M. (2019). Socioeconomic and Lifestyle Factors Associated with Hearing Loss in Older Adults: A Cross-sectional Study of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). BMJ Open 9 (9), e031030 http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031030
Tsimpida D., Galanis P., Kaitelidou D. (2019). Inequalities in Access to Health Services among Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults in Greece: a Cross-Sectional Study, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 7(2), 386-394. http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i2.1721
Tsimpida, D., Kaitelidou D., Galanis P. (2018). Determinants of Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) among Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults in Greece: a Cross-sectional Study. BMC Archives in Public Health, 76 (55) doi: 10.1186/s13690-018-0304-2
Tsimpida, D., Kaitelidou D., Galanis P. (2018). Barriers to the Use of Health Services among Deaf and Hard oF Hearing Adults in Greece: a Cross-sectional Study. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 6(4) 6 (4), 638-648. https://doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v6i4.1566
Tsimpida, D., (2018). The role of the leadership skills development and building of effective nursing teamwork in the improvement of health services quality in the National Health System. Health Review: Bimonthy Scientific and Informative Journal of Hellenic Health Services Management Association (HHSMA), 29(170), 7-12. ISSN 1105-9311
Tsimpida D., (2016), Health Related Quality of Life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Population in Greece . 4th Panhellenic Interscientific Symposium, in the frames of the 4th Panhellenic Festival ‘’Deaf and Hearing People in Action’’ (Ed.) The Role of Lifelong Learning and Sign Language Propagation in Quality of Life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Population (35), Athens: Esai En Roi, ISSN 2241 6722.
Tsimpida D., (2016), Health-related Quality of Life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults and Issues Related to Use of and Access to Health Services, Open University of Cyprus, Master Thesis
Tsimpida D., (2015), The Role of Sign Language in Use and Access of Health Care of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Greece. 3th Panhellenic Interscientific Symposium, in the frames of the 3th Panhellenic Festival ‘Deaf and Hearing People in Action (Ed.) The Role of Lifelong Learning and Sign Language Propagation in Quality of Life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Population (22), Athens: Esai En Roi, ISSN 2241 6722.
Tsimpida, D., Kontopantelis, E., Ashcroft, D., & Panagioti, M. (2019). Mental Health Inequalities among Adults with Hearing Loss: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). 124. Poster session presented at British Psychological Society, Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom
Tsimpida, D., Kontopantelis, E., Ashcroft, D., & Panagioti, M. (2019). Under-diagnosis of Hearing Loss in Primary Care: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Poster session presented at 12th Annual Health Services Research UK (HSRUK) Conference 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Tsimpida, D., Kontopantelis, E., Ashcroft, D., & Panagioti, M. (2019). “Lifestyle-Related Hearing Loss”: a New Approach to a Major Public Health Challenge, Using Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). 20. Abstract from International Health Conference 2019, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Tsimpida, D. (2019). “Age-related Hearing Loss”? It’s Time to Retire the Term and Find a Replacement. 33-33. Abstract from 3rd Annual Doctoral Academy PhD Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Tsimpida, D. (2018). Socioeconomic Inequalities and Hearing Health: Findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Poster session presented at 15th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Audiology, Liverpool ACC 7-9 November 2018, United Kingdom.
Tsimpida, D. (2018). Tackling Hearing Health Inequalities: The Importance of a Life-Course Approach and the Vicious Cycle among Socioeconomic Position and Hearing Loss. Poster session presented at Health Inequalities Research Network Conference 2018, London 31 October 2018, United Kingdom
Tsimpida, D. (2018). Determinants of Mental Health among Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Poster session presented at 6th Panhellenic Interscientific Symposium, in the frames of the 6th Panhellenic Festival “Deaf and Hearing People in Action”, Preveza 30 Sep 2018, Greece.
Tsimpida, D. (2018). Conceptual Model for Hearing Health Inequalities (HHI Model): A Tool for Prevention, Identification and Management of Age-related Hearing Loss. Abstract from 2nd Annual Doctoral Academy PhD Conference, The University of Manchester
Tsimpida D., (2017). Health Literacy; the Key behind the Poor Physical and Mental Health of Population with Hearing Loss. Paper presented at the 5th Panhellenic Interscientific Symposium, in the frames of the 5th Panhellenic Festival ‘Deaf and Hearing People in Action’. The Role of Lifelong Learning and Sign Language Propagation in Quality of Life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Population, DHIA Festival of Inclusive Culture, Nafplion, 23 September – 1 October 2017.
Tsimpida D., (2017), The Role of the Leadership Skills Development and the Building of Effective Nursing Teamwork in the Improvement of Health Services Quality in the National Health System. Paper presented at the 19th Panhellenic Congress on Heath Services Management, Hellenic Health Services Management Association (HHSMA), Athens (p.32)
Tsimpida D., Kaitelidou D., Galanis P. (2016), Addressing Barriers in Access and Disparities in the Use of Health Services of Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Greece. Paper presented at the 12th Panhellenic Congress on Management, Economics and Health Policy: Overcoming Barriers in Access and Health Inequalities, in Search of the Necessary Structural Reforms, Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens (p.33).
Tsimpida D., Kaitelidou D., Galanis P., (2016), Health Inequalities: The Health Status of Population with Hearing Loss in Greece and their Access to Health Services. Paper presented at the 6th Panhellenic Forum of Public Health and Social Medicine: Health Inequalities and Public Health, University of Athens Medical School, Athens (p.132).